Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Day, First Post, First Blog

Finally, I've decided to make a blog which I've been thinking about it for quite some time. So hear I am with this new blog. *cheers* Today in school, Miss Ruth isn't around!!! She will be back on Friday so i heard and I'm not done typing my oral yet although its in my head. X_X Must complete it by TODAY or I'll be cooked "Sunny-Side-Up" on Friday and those of you that doesn't know what's so special on Friday for me? Well, I'm turning 16!! On Good Friday!! Woohoo!!

Went to Well Cooked Gourmet for lunch and discussed with my Dad about Add Maths tuition. Verdict, I'm out of there~!!!! Sayonara to Mrs Wong who has been tormenting me since the beginning of the year with her nags on Algebra Expressions...

At night, Lynn's Place for dinner. Seafood platter for me.. Yum yum~~ And now, finishing off with my oral on Eczema.. The skin disease that I've been having since I was born.. If you dunno what is eczema, please visit this LINK.

I shall sign off now and continue with my homework.. Till then, auf Weidersehen!! (Goodbye in German)